Discover How Anyone Suffering From Backache and Joint Pain Can ESCAPE The Constant Creaking

So That You Can Regain Your Independence And Lead A Fulfilling And Enjoyable Life,

In As Little As 7-Days, Even If You've Suffered For Many Years!

Unmute For Sound

Why Wait A

Moment Longer?

Transform Your Life In 7-Days and


Reduce Backache And Joint Pain, Without Undergoing Any Invasive Treatments.

Quick question: does this sound like you?

You find yourself spending so much of your time preoccupied with trying to sit comfortably, figuring out how to do simple daily activities without causing yourself an injury or feeling frustrated watching everyone else enjoying themselves, knowing that if you join in, you’ll suffer with backache or joint pain for the next week?

Do you desire once again to be that person who finds it easy to get out of your chair without creaking, bend down effortlessly so that you can put on your socks without help or even go to the supermarket without being worried that someone might collide into you?

The problem is that right now, you're focused on figuring out how to regain your independence so that you can lead a fulfilling and enjoyable life without worrying about future health issues associated with untreated pain, your condition getting worse or whether there really is any hope or solution at all... 

So, let me ask you a another question...

Would you be ecstatic if you could significantly reduce your aches and pains, regain your independence, and lead a fulfilling and enjoyable life?

Because, if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean you could participate in social events, outings, and gatherings more frequently, regain the ability to perform daily activities without limitations, and even enjoy a restful night's sleep without being constantly woken up by pain, enabling you to wake refreshed, rejuvenated, and revitalised.

Which would be amazing, right?


we get the sense there are some roadblocks for you here, including figuring out how to:

Restore and maintain a healthy back and joints so that you can create sustainable habits for a pain-free lifestyle, unveiling the key to living with vitality and joy, regardless of age, even if you've suffered for many years.

Cultivate a sense of calm and relaxation to promote healing in your body so that you can do all the things you've been dreaming about doing without worrying about the long-term impact of chronic pain on your overall health and well-being.

Naturally subdue your aches and pains so that you can maintain your independence without worrying about or struggling with the knock-on side effects of pain medication or invasive procedures.

Sound familiar?

another thing...

Are you also really frustrated by the fact that you have limited mobility, making you miss out on social events or quality time with your friends or family, have difficulty performing simple everyday tasks such as walking, standing, or bending and that you’ll have to rely on others for assistance slowly losing all semblance of independence, freedom and self-esteem?

Plus, do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?:

How can I achieve long-lasting pain relief without medication or surgery?

How do I know who to trust to learn about natural pain relief techniques that work?

Is there even a way to successfully relieve my backache and joint pain naturally?

One last question...

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

"Changing the course of my health is not even possible at my age "...


"It’s just what happens when you get older"...


"I’ve tried natural remedies before, but they didn’t help, and I’m not even sure I believe that it’s possible”

I know I did!

and finally...

to make matters even worse, sometimes (no matter what you do) it just plain feels like even when you’re trying to be positive and take action to improve your situation and maintain your independence, your friends, family and medical professionals are actively going out of their way to sabotage your success with constant conversations about ‘what’s wrong with your body and how your health is deteriorating’ even though you’re not really that old!

Well, let me tell you, WE know exactly how you feel because we've been there too!

When all is said and done, our guess is you really just want to live a healthy, happy and active life, enjoy quality time with family and friends, maintain independence as you age, and finally reduce your aches and pains so that you feel in control of your health again. Yes?

If this sounds like you and your situation, We would like to invite you to check out...

The 7-Day Natural Pain Relief Retreat

The 7-Day Natural Pain Relief Retreat makes it EASY for you to significantly reduce backache and joint pain, naturally, regain your independence by being able to manage your daily tasks without relying on others and get out of your armchair with ease so that you can lead an enjoyable and fulfilling life without needing to depend on invasive procedures or pharmaceutical medications for pain management. Plus, you’ll no longer need to waste any more of your precious time constantly passing through the revolving door of your doctor's waiting room, or the local hospital, giving you even more time to do the things you love!

You're Going To LOVE This!

Here’s just a taste of what you get to experience at the 7-Day Natural Pain Relief Retreat:

  • DISCOVER everything you need to regain mobility and flexibility to engage in all the activities you enjoy, even if you've suffered for many years.

  • Unearth the real SECRET to ease any pain quickly once it starts so that you can achieve a sustained and improved quality of life without spending the next decade searching for answers. This is something that everyone over 50 suffering from back aches and joint pain needs.

  • HELPS you understand exactly how to avoid all the visits to the doctor and hospital so that you can enjoy your precious time now... not later! Even though you've been in and out of the hospital for years.

  • Uncover HOW TO cultivate healing in the body so that you can enjoy a greater sense of ease and comfort in daily activities without a dependency on medications and their potentially worrying side effects.

  • GIVES you the answer to the question, "What is the best way to relieve my backache and joint pain naturally?" once and for all. So that you don't have to depend on medication which has the potential to cause serious side effects, which rather than helping you causes you more complications and decreases your quality of life, even if you've been searching for answers, with no success for many years.

  • Helps you STOP missing out on enjoyable activities due to discomfort so that you can get back to doing the things you used to enjoy spending your time doing 20 years ago without worrying about how you're going to manage if your pain continues or, even worse, escalates.

  • DISCOVER how to feel confident about your future health, have a plan for managing any aches and pain and regain your independence faster than ever so that you can get back on the golf course, swing your tennis racket like you're 20 and enjoy long walks with friends without needing to worry that you'll spend the next few days struggling to get up out of your armchair!

  • HOW TO find simple solutions that promote restful sleep and alleviate night-time discomfort so that you can enjoy a restful night's sleep even if right now, you’re spending your nights tossing and turning a thousand times.

  • Find out how to EFFORTLESSLY develop strength and stability through a personalised practice that safely supports your specific goals without worrying about injuring yourself.

  • This is the absolute best OPPORTUNITY for self-care and nurturing practices to help your back and hips heal so that you can live a healthy, happy, pain-free life and stop spending so much time at the doctor’s or in the hospital!

  • Makes it SIMPLE for you to find effective solutions that significantly reduce your aches and pains, allowing you to

    be more active in your daily

    life without constant discomfort.

  • HELPS you uncover the secret to finding effective ways to alleviate and manage pain and discomfort so that you can return to all daily activities and regain your quality of life even if the discomfort has been interfering with this for years.

  • GIVES you the keys to alleviate pain and support the body's natural healing processes so that you can get your health back on track without having to wait forever for someone else to fix it for you.

  • DISCOVER how easy it is for people with backache and joint pain to learn how to reduce the pain so that you can enjoy a fulfilling and happy life without constantly worrying about injuring yourself.

  • HOW TO finally feel free of pain so that you can tackle all your daily tasks, join in on all your family and friends' social functions, and regain control of your health, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible. Even if right now you rely on others to do even the simplest of tasks.

  • HELPS you, get past the idea that you have limited mobility that can't be reversed so that you can feel reassured and confident about significantly reducing the pain without fearing it's only going to get worse in the future.

  • GIVES you real-world insight into answering the question, "How do I learn about natural pain relief techniques that work?" So that you can follow through on your goal to go natural without worrying you’re being scammed.

  • Makes it EASY to banish the notion that you will always have difficulty in performing basic everyday tasks such as walking, standing, or bending and that this is going to get worse as you age so that you can regain your independence , freedom and self-esteem even if so far, you haven't had any success finding any effective solutions.

  • The real SECRET for smashing through the myth that you have to rely on others for assistance with activities of daily living due to pain-related limitations in mobility and function permanently so that you can quickly regain your independence, freedom and self-esteem even if right now, you have to wait around for people to take you places at a time that suits them rather than you.

  • STOP WORRYING about how to reverse the signs of ageing, reduce inflammation and soothe away soreness so that you no longer have to spend hours upon hours sitting in your doctor's waiting room only to be told, “That's just what happens when you get old.” Even if everyone else around you is giving in and believing that as you grow old sickness, pain and ill-health are inevitable.

Makes it a breeze to ENGAGE in activities you enjoy without the worry or hindrance of future aches and pains, no matter what your previous experience.

  • ALSO... Discover the real SECRET for maintaining independence as you age so that you can decide what you want to do, where you want to go and at what time without having to depend on family or friends to look after you or take you places you need to go.

  • HELPS you uncover the secret to finding effective ways to alleviate and manage pain and discomfort so that you can return to all daily activities and regain your quality of life even if the discomfort has been interfering with this for years.

  • GIVES you the keys to alleviate pain and support the body's natural healing processes so that you can get your health back on track without having to wait forever for someone else to fix it for you.

  • DISCOVER how easy it is for people with backache and joint pain to learn how to reduce the pain so that you can enjoy a fulfilling and happy life without constantly worrying about injuring yourself.

  • HOW TO finally feel free of pain so that you can tackle all your daily tasks, join in on all your family and friends' social functions, and regain control of your health, faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible. Even if right now you rely on others to do even the simplest of tasks.

  • HELPS you, get past the idea that you have limited mobility that can't be reversed so that you can feel reassured and confident about significantly reducing the pain without fearing it's only going to get worse in the future.

  • GIVES you real-world insight into answering the question, "How do I learn about natural pain relief techniques that work?" So that you can follow through on your goal to go natural without worrying you’re being scammed.

  • Makes it EASY to banish the notion that you will always have difficulty in performing basic everyday tasks such as walking, standing, or bending and that this is going to get worse as you age so that you can regain your independence , freedom and self-esteem even if so far, you haven't had any success finding any effective solutions.

  • The real SECRET for smashing through the myth that you have to rely on others for assistance with activities of daily living due to pain-related limitations in mobility and function permanently so that you can quickly regain your independence, freedom and self-esteem even if right now, you have to wait around for people to take you places at a time that suits them rather than you.

  • STOP WORRYING about how to reverse the signs of ageing, reduce inflammation and soothe away soreness so that you no longer have to spend hours upon hours sitting in your doctor's waiting room only to be told, “That's just what happens when you get old.” Even if everyone else around you is giving in and believing that as you grow old sickness, pain and ill-health are inevitable.


how easier and enjoyable life can be, by escaping to a healing oasis nestled in nature...

Immersing yourself in a wonderful week of health enhancing meals, movement and much more! Waking each morning excited to embrace your day. Imagine gazing around at the untouched beauty, and your senses awakening to the sweet sound of bird songs and the the fragrant scent of eucalyptus trees.

Tranquility surrounds you as each inhale transforms into a gentle breeze, carrying with it the soothing sense of calmness you've yearned for. 

With every step on the earth's soft embrace, your worries wash away and you feel a deep sense of serenity and renewal. There's no nicer place for your body to be, as it embarks on a transformational healing journey.

Relaxing into this much needed stillness, your beating heart instantly settles. Feeling the majestic mountains cradle you in their warm embrace and the towering trees telling tales of centuries past, you feel reconnected with yourself at last.

You understand why this glorious gem is affectionately called 'Algarve's Garden'. Mesmerised by awe inspiring scenery you whisper softly to yourself 'perfection, pure perfection!'

Welcome to 'Magical' Monchique, one of the most peaceful places on the planet!

what if...

you could...

Enjoy much needed time off, feeling completely cared for by experienced facilitators gladly guiding you on your restorative journey of relaxation and renewal.

Eat healthy, wholesome, locally sourced food, freshly prepared for you, helping your body repair and heal.

Effortlessly stretch in sunrise and sunset yoga sequences specially tailored to relieve stress and restore energy. You will feel tension melting away as you offload the 'weight of the world' that you've been carrying and set your body free.

Ease into a mindful moments meditation under a star-studded sky, your mind feeling calm and clear now that the ten thousand thoughts that were tumbling around in your head have drifted off into the distance.

Embrace the opportunity to rest and reflect so that you emerge from your retreat feeling radiant, refreshed and revitalised.

Equip yourself with wellness skills to slow the stress clock and stay on track to ensure you enjoy a healthier, happier, more relaxed life when you return home!

Now, that's a tall promise, and at this point, I’m pretty sure you’re thinking...

Who Are Louise Tyrrell, Filippo Omiccioli, and Ana Dierickx And Why Should I Listen To Them?

meet Louise Tyrrell

Louise is a well-respected teacher and international speaker who expertly blends holistic therapies to help people suffering from backache or joint pain regain their independence and attain long-lasting relief.

After experiencing a life-altering traffic accident in her 20s, she endured 12 months of complicated and painful medical treatment in an attempt to recover from the back, hip and neck injuries. Unable to work and in pain, she was told her only option was spinal surgery…

That night, she prayed for help, desperate for something that would enable her to be free from pain without having to go under the knife. The next day, she was blessed with her first miracle: a leaflet through the door advertising a yoga class.

After practically crawling on all fours into the class, she was amazed at her ability to move more freely by the end of the session. As she continued her guided practice, her body came back to life. Feeling renewed, she returned to see the surgeon, and upon examining her new spinal MRI, he said, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”

From there, Louise discarded her 13-year corporate career, retrained as a yoga teacher and set up one of the first Holistic Clinics in Ireland. Blessed to study with many of the world's personal development pioneers, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle; at 57 she is still going strong and is excited to share all she's learned so that you, too, can experience an independent and pain-free life, naturally.

meet Filippo Omiccioli

Filippo is a passionate, warm-hearted, seasoned chef from Italy.

He sustainably sources food to create culinary masterpieces that tantalise the taste buds and diminish discomfort.

Growing up in Italy, he, like many of us, in the Western world, developed an unhealthy relationship with food. Witnessing his weight yo-yo from one extreme to the other, never really understanding where he was going wrong or how to control his appetite. As time wore on his energy levels, physical vitality and mental health plummeted.

He found himself working in a beautiful 4-star hotel in the north of Italy, and after just 3 years cheffing in one of the most important seasonal restaurants in the city. Initially specialising in fish, he soon discovered the importance of a complete balanced meal. Spending 7 years learning the trade working in different restaurants before embarking on a journey of a lifetime.

While travelling and volunteering around the world, he finally started to understand the value of food and, most importantly, the missing component in most kitchens: time.

After returning from his travels, he turned his hand to goat farming and the art of cheese making. After this short, but transformational reprieve from the heat of the kitchen, he once again donned his apron and picked up his knives. This time with a mission, sharing the simple combination of food and love so that every mouthful nourishes your mind, body and soul. 

meet Ana Dierickx

Ana is a nurturing, dedicated cook with a genuine love for crafting nourishing dishes that celebrate tradition, taste, and togetherness.

Her culinary journey traces back to her roots, where childhood memories of her grandmother's rustic kitchen ignited her lifelong passion for food.

Raised in the heart of Algarve, Ana's upbringing instilled in her a deep appreciation for the origins of ingredients, from beachside forages to university studies in Nutrition.

Amidst her bustling life on a goat farm, Ana's latest role as a mother enriches her culinary journey, nurturing not only appetites but also familial bonds through the joy of shared meals.

With a repertoire spanning from artisanal cheese-making to crafting wholesome meals for retreat guest, she finds solace and purpose in every dish she creates and is passionate about guiding others through the art of cooking.

but don't just take our word for it...

here's what other people are saying:


(Algarve Retreat, 2023)

"This was a wonderful experience."

I loved all the yoga sessions and truly felt relaxed as well.  Learned a lot about myself.  I think this was a wonderful experience that went like clockwork.  Louise knows what she's doing.  Her enthusiasm is catching, fabulous experience.

(Algarve Retreat, 2023)

"It was amazing!"

Food with Filippo was fantastic. I was concerned that the food would be bland and boring. Well that idea was well blown out of the water within 24 hours! I could feel the benefits of the delicious healthy food from day one. I could see the changes the healthy diet made to my body : no bloating despite eating so much, shiny nails and hair. It was amazing!

(September, 2021)

"It was like I had given my body a treat, like you would feel after a massage."

I joined the Yoga Class on the recommendation of a friend. She said it was very relaxing so I thought I could benefit from trying it. I was genuinely surprised not only by how much I enjoyed doing it but how good I felt after the class. It was like I had given my body a treat, like you would feel after a massage. But more importantly I couldn't believe how my flexibility and balance has improved in the few months since I started it. I never thought that taking up yoga in my mid sixties could be so beneficial, I thought I was thirty years too late to get much benefit but the opposite is the case.

...and this...

because we get that you want to really hear what people are saying...

"The Pain Is Gone - Feel Flexible"

Algarve Retreat 2023

"Absolutely Brilliant" "Body Never Felt Better" Algarve Retreats 2023

"I Got Everything I Needed"

Algarve Retreat 2023


Think about how much easier, lighter and brighter your world will be when this solution is placed into your life.


The 7-Day Natural Pain Relief Retreat

Join Louise, Filippo and Ana as they share their experience, excitement and enthusiasm for reducing backache and joint pain naturally.

Be inspired by the beautiful back-drop of the picturesque Algarve, South Portugal to redefine your next decade as one full of freedom, fun and fulfilment.

Nestled between pine trees and a forest of eucalyptus, you'll find it easy to roll back the stress and strain of the last few years emerging from the experience with a new lease of life which is sure to follow you long after you return home.





14TH - 21ST JUNE 2024

what's included...

7-days EXCLUSIVE use of the Quinta Algarve, Portugal

(Value €945 p/p)

Join us in a beautifully renovated 19th-century property owned by the Pesche family for the last 30 years. Instead of the usual team, you’ll be exclusively supported by the SOULise team and will be well looked after from dawn until dusk. 

Rated 9.2 out of 10, you’re sure to find something to love, whether it’s lazing around in the saltwater pool, walking through the orchards, citrus trees, and cosy arbours with friends.

Whether you bed down in the converted barn, the main house, or the stand alone apartments, all offer plenty of space to relax and unwind as you take in the natural beauty of the Algarve.

24/7 support and nurturing by the SOULise retreat team

(Value €375 p/p)

ALLOWS you to let go of responsibilities and stresses enabling you to relax and unwind fully, supporting you to focus on self-care and rejuvenation, and indulging in all the activities to promote your relaxation and well-being without worrying about having difficulties communicating with non-English speaking retreat staff helping you avoid misunderstandings or frustrations.

EXPERIENCE greater enjoyment with the SOULise team there to tend to all your needs so you can focus on fully enjoying the activities, amenities, and experiences offered at the wellness retreat. Without worrying that you'll feel disconnected from the group or homesick.

Makes it EASY to receive personalised support tailored to your preferences and requirements, ensuring your wellness journey is customised to meet your unique needs. Without needing to worry, you'll experience problems with accommodations or the logistics of the retreat.
